Saturday, April 4, 2009

Birthday Fun!

I really cannot believe we have a 10 year old living in this house. First of all, I can't believe he actually survived for ten years without seriously injuring himself! Such is the lament of a parent with a child that has heaps of energy. One of my favorite things to tell about Evan that I think describes him to a T is that we didn't let him set his feet on the ground in a parking lot until he was 3 years old. This is because Evan never walked! It was like you set him down and he took off like a wind-up toy. There was also a period of time where I couldn't go to stores that didn't have carts if I had Evan with me.
So anyhow, I think the 10th birthday was pretty fun for him. He was able to invite some friends from school to go play laser tag downtown. They had a great time, and it's so nice to see the friends together.
In addition, we celebrated Evan's birthday with cousin Dylan who has his birthday one day prior. We took a trip to Seattle and took all the cousins to Alki to play (in the freezing weather) and then to Pizza at Pegasus.