Saturday, April 4, 2009


I took this photo last weekend down at Alki beach in Seattle. It just seems like I have so many memories from this little spot on the earth. When I was in college and visited my cousin Doug in Seattle, he and his friend Dave took me and my friend, Kiersten down to Alki at night. That was the first time I had every been there. When I moved out to Seattle in 1992 and lived with cousin Doug, I remember walking and running down at Alki in the summertime. When I met Mel, he was living just four blocks away from the beach and he introduced me to Pegasus Pizza. We took my dad out to eat there when Dad met Mel for the first time. When Mel and I were first married we lived on Beach drive just around the curve from the light house. We would walk over to the Alki Cafe on Saturday mornings which was also a favorite thing to do when anyone visited us. I also remember when I got pregnant with Evan while we lived there and I was so sickened my the smell of the seaweed on summer mornings! Even after we moved to our house in Burien we would drive up to have Fish N Chips at Sunfish. The day Dominic was born we went walking in the morning down at the beach and ate breakfast at the Alki Cafe.
I'm so glad that we can visit this place and revisit these memories while at the same time create new ones!


Jen Deming Lee said...

Gosh that is a lot of memories! Next time let's go on a sunny day (even though we won't be able to park).