Sunday, October 19, 2008

A Visit from the Deming boys

We had Mark, Sarah and Co. from Tacoma here last weekend on their way through Spokane to Billings to visit Great Grandma. It was good bonding time once again. I'm gradually winning my way to the hearts of Henry and Morgan through their sweet tooths! Morgan and I made some cut-out cookie dough together and baked some ghosts, pumpkins and cats. Morgan enjoyed cutting out shapes and all, but the best part for him was the beaters. Henry is learning the ropes of endearing himself to the cook from his father. He saw the cookies on the cooling the rack and said, "Can I try one of those cookies to see if they are any good?" Anyhow, Sarah and I had a good visit too , between feeding the crew and taking them up to Green Bluff to try and wear them all out at the pumpkin patch. Evan enjoyed playing with Max
Aren't they darling?