Sunday, October 26, 2008

A Day in Spokane

We got to host Maria, Christina and Brian for a fun day of playing in the leaves and going on an outing to Riverfront park downtown. It was opening weekend for the skating rink, so we took advantage of that with it being the first time on ice skates for the kids. Dominic opted to sit out because he's the type to observe the first time. Evan, was all about speed, and Maria wanted to be good at it right away. They both did great but not without some good falls. Maria hit her head on the ice, but she is not the type to give up, so kept on skating after that. I dusted off my skates, and they still work. The kids know what I want to do on my birthday this year!


Kristi said...

Hi Darcy....I found your blog through Jill. Fun to see your family...everyone is darling and you look EXACTLY the same which is a huge compliment.