Sunday, October 5, 2008

Must be Fall

It's definitely Fall because it's all about food with me at this time of year. Yesterday, I fell victim to checkout stand marketing and bought the "Crockpot slow cooker recipes -- Crocktober issue!" And todayI'm in the mood to bake. What else would it be but apple crisp? Mom went and got us some farm fresh pie apples the other day, so I get to bring the apple crisp over to her house for dinner tonight. I can still remember when Mom used to make it and Paul and I would keep sneaking into the kitchen while it was cooling on the counter and eat bits of the topping off. We would try to redistribute the crumbs as best we could so that Mom wouldn't be able to tell. Let's just say, she could usually tell.

Here's some fun Fall moments we had last weekend which included front-yard football. Jen and Kevin went to homecoming in Pullman and we got to have Dylan for a whole day. He fit right in as one of the boys! I had to warn Jen that she would be shocked when she went to do his laundry and saw how dirty his clothes were at the end of the day! You'll notice in the video, Dylan rubbing his eyes. Of course he hadn't taken a nap, there was just to much fun to be had.

Planting bulbs with Auntie.


Nicole said...

Cameron wanted to say hi to Dom and Evan. We miss you guys very much but love seeing your pictures from your new house! You should check out our blog. Our blog address is . We are hoping to see you on Blooms Day in Spokane. How are Dom and Evan doing?

Nicole said...

Cameron wanted me to leave one more comment: Dom, Did you get anything for your birthday? I hope you got a webkinz so we can play with them on Webkinz World. I miss you! Call me soon!
