Sunday, October 26, 2008

45 years of Trouble?

If you look at a blown up version of this photo, right below where it says, "stupid idiot" it says "trouble just beginning." Well, who's the stupid idiot now? It appears that Ron Deming made a pretty good catch in marrying Nancy October 26, 1963. 45 years later, 4 kids graduated from college and married, 10 grandchildren, and still able to actually enjoy each other's company. They will be looking at that same hill that's in the background, from Washington Grizzly stadium next weekend while attending the Griz game with Hank and Kay. They have certainly come a long way! We have to laugh at the fact that Nancy having only retired from her 15 years of flower shop ownership within the last year, actually had flowers at her wedding that were cut out of a stranger's yard! If there's anything we can learn from them it's that it's a sacred trust in God and each other that we all can celebrate. They have always chosen to spend their time with each other and those they love.

Oh, and by the way, she still makes "killer" peach pie!

A Day in Spokane

We got to host Maria, Christina and Brian for a fun day of playing in the leaves and going on an outing to Riverfront park downtown. It was opening weekend for the skating rink, so we took advantage of that with it being the first time on ice skates for the kids. Dominic opted to sit out because he's the type to observe the first time. Evan, was all about speed, and Maria wanted to be good at it right away. They both did great but not without some good falls. Maria hit her head on the ice, but she is not the type to give up, so kept on skating after that. I dusted off my skates, and they still work. The kids know what I want to do on my birthday this year!

Precious Moments

Game Day in Missoula - Griz 43- Sac State 7

We got to go on a family outing for the Griz game in Missoula last weekend October 18th. Mom and Dad were in Billings and Hank and Kay were in Washington D.C., so we got all 4 tickets! The weather was perfect for football and with the Griz dominating the game, it made it even more fun! We made contact with our old friend Shawn and daughter Ella who is just a sweetheart. She thought Evan and Dom were a little on the crazy side, which I can understand why as she witnessed them chasing squirrels across campus and throwing nuts at them and then Evan taking on the Grizzly bear with his Taekwondo moves.Shawn and Ella

Dom, as a Big Man on Campus

Sunday, October 19, 2008

A Visit from the Deming boys

We had Mark, Sarah and Co. from Tacoma here last weekend on their way through Spokane to Billings to visit Great Grandma. It was good bonding time once again. I'm gradually winning my way to the hearts of Henry and Morgan through their sweet tooths! Morgan and I made some cut-out cookie dough together and baked some ghosts, pumpkins and cats. Morgan enjoyed cutting out shapes and all, but the best part for him was the beaters. Henry is learning the ropes of endearing himself to the cook from his father. He saw the cookies on the cooling the rack and said, "Can I try one of those cookies to see if they are any good?" Anyhow, Sarah and I had a good visit too , between feeding the crew and taking them up to Green Bluff to try and wear them all out at the pumpkin patch. Evan enjoyed playing with Max
Aren't they darling?

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Perspective -- 63 years worth

Today, October 7 2008 marks 63 years of marriage for Dan and Ely Figuracion. I couldn't help but think of them today with a tear or two in my eyes. One reason for that is that it's already been 13 years since their 50th anniversary when Mel proposed to me. My perspective in the last 13 years has gone through many changes -- from being a young couple with a million unknown possibilities for our future, to being new parents with a whole new set of responsibilities, fears and joys then moving on to a more grounded outlook in faith and family.

We have to admire these two pictured here in 1945 after surviving a war which left them with very little. So even though we all have something to worry about today with the state of affairs in our country, we can and should take a moment to enjoy the gifts that God has given us -- that crisp fall air, homework with the kids, leftover dinner to heat up, and holding the hand of someone you love.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Must be Fall

It's definitely Fall because it's all about food with me at this time of year. Yesterday, I fell victim to checkout stand marketing and bought the "Crockpot slow cooker recipes -- Crocktober issue!" And todayI'm in the mood to bake. What else would it be but apple crisp? Mom went and got us some farm fresh pie apples the other day, so I get to bring the apple crisp over to her house for dinner tonight. I can still remember when Mom used to make it and Paul and I would keep sneaking into the kitchen while it was cooling on the counter and eat bits of the topping off. We would try to redistribute the crumbs as best we could so that Mom wouldn't be able to tell. Let's just say, she could usually tell.

Here's some fun Fall moments we had last weekend which included front-yard football. Jen and Kevin went to homecoming in Pullman and we got to have Dylan for a whole day. He fit right in as one of the boys! I had to warn Jen that she would be shocked when she went to do his laundry and saw how dirty his clothes were at the end of the day! You'll notice in the video, Dylan rubbing his eyes. Of course he hadn't taken a nap, there was just to much fun to be had.

Planting bulbs with Auntie.

Happy Anniversary to us!

Well, our anniversary was in August, but we are just now getting to enjoy our gift to each other. 10 years ago Mel bought a flag pole for his dad at the Puyallup fair. He's wanted one ever since. Well, we bought one at the Spokane County fair this year. We figured it was a good time to do it since we have vowed to stay in this house for "at least 10 years!"

So here he is digging the hole . . . while the boys including Dylan who was with us that day, enjoyed the dirt pile.

The finished product!