Sunday, March 8, 2009

Family Movie Night!

It has become a weekend tradition to have family movie night on either Saturday or Sunday night. The last two weeks we rented musicals because Evan's choir at school is doing some selections from Grease, Sound of Music, Annie etc. We watched Grease as a family and Mel and I were surprised at how we'd forgotten some of the content. After it was over we asked "Well, what'd you'd think of Grease?" Evan said, "Well, it had no plot!" We figured that was good because most of it must of have gone over their heads! Anyhow, this is a tradition we'll try to continue as long as they actually want to be in the same room with us. Maybe one of these days, they'll start making the popcorn -- that would be nice.


Jill said...

great tradition. i think the first time i saw grease, a lot of it went over my head too!