Thursday, December 18, 2008

It's looking like a White Christmas!

(I don't think the mailman is coming today!)

Got up early this morning knowing that it would be a little work to get the driveway shoveled and make my short trek to the transit center to catch the bus. We got one side of the driveway cleared after 1/2 hour of Mel and I both shoveling. I warmed up the Subaru and backed out into the street attempting to crank the wheel just right to get into the center of the street where a couple of cars had already driven. Well, I didn't get any further than that. Tried to pull forward and got stuck, tried to back up again and got stuck. Mel had to shovel out the front tires and push to get me back into the driveway. I know this sounds wimpy and silly because when you are a Montana native, you're supposed to be able to deal with snow. In this case there is just too dang much of it! The news last reported that we have gotten accumulation of 26 inches in Spokane Valley and guess what, it's still snowing! I'm going to just enjoy and share these photos!


Jill said...

Wow, and I thought we got a lot. We got about 4 inches and school has been closed for the past 4 days. I'm praying that it opens for one day tomorrow so I can get stuff done before Christmas break. Your snow looks amazing, but I would be house bound too!

Jen Deming Lee said...

I can't believe the snow! It will be deeper than Dylan is tall! Can't wait to spend time with you all next week. =)