Saturday, December 27, 2008

And then it was Christmas!

The boys were shepherds in the St. Mary's Christmas program. It was a little hectic getting them there in time with the snow falling and lots of families arriving at the church. We barely got there in time to save a partial pew for the Deming clan. Luckily everyone comes to Christmas mass with a Merry Christmas attitude. We then proceeded to Mom and Dad's house for a festive Asian meal. Kevin made his wonderful Chinese pork loin and I made lumpia and pancit. Before dinner we took all the kids out into the wintery night and rang some neighborhood doorbells to sing some carols. The kids loved it so much, I think this will definitely become an annual thing. It was a perfect snowy night to go carolling.

Santa came! We were of course awakened very early by our dear Evan. Mel and I always think of the line from the Family Man movie when the kids wake us up. "Strong Coffee!"


Jill said...

first of all, I love lumpia (isn't that the eggroll thing?) wayne always makes it a couple times a year and I crave it. secondly, i love that you printed out our digital card and i can see it in the card basket. :) too fun.
love to keep up on your family. sounds like a great christmas!