Sunday, September 13, 2009

summer fun times!

The boys would argue that their summer was boring and they didn't see any friends or get to do anything cool. However, we managed to break the monotony a few times. We had an afternoon at the beach in Coeur D'Alene;

We got to the see the Disney train with our friends Kelly and Jonathon. The train came through town promoting the new "Christmas Carol" movie coming out this Fall;

We went to the water fountain downtown Spokane at the end of my work day and then rode the bus home;

We got to go to Colfax for the Lee family 4th of July;

which included cooking lumpia in Grandma Eng's out door wok, a backyard water fights'mores and watching of fireworks

We got to see a real live Jeepnie at the Filipino American family picnic;
We got better acquainted with my cousin Cindi Fuller and Ronn, Shelby and Hannah. They invited us for an overnight at their cabin which included a campfire, huckleberry pancakes, morning fishing and a ride in Ronn's '69 mustang!
And don't forget the fun of picking veggies out of our very own garden!

All in all, I don't think it's been so bad! And yes, the boys do wear shirts every once in a while.


Jill said...

sounds like a great summer to me. glad you are back to blogging! i've missed your updates.