Saturday, July 4, 2009

a visit to Lolo and Lola's!

Mel actually had Mon, Tues, and Wed last week, so I told him he'd better go see his family now that his mom and dad are actually home. The had been to the Philippines for 3 months before Easter, then they spent a month in California early summer. So, he and Evan and Dom went over for some family time. Lolo and Lola got in lots of hugs and spoiled the boys as usual. I think we have a year's supply of bubble gum and pop tarts again! Evan got up early the morning they were going to be driving over to Tacoma, he had his towel and clothes ready for a shower which totally surprised me. He told me he had to take a shower because he was going to see Lolo and Lola and "they always smell me, so I have to be clean!" Over the years I have gotten used to this Filipino "custom" so to speak. It' s a way of showing affection when you greet your loved ones, you give hug and inhale their scent. It used to make me self conscious with the kids because I thought I would be in trouble if they didn't smell good! So glad to know that Evan is now taking the responsibility for himself!

Lolo took them to McChord to see the planes and to stock up on fun stuff at the commissary!
Standing in front of the tires of the C124 Globemaster (the "old shaky" because it would shake all the windows in the house when Mel was growing up). And, of course, sitting in the intakes of the F15.

So fun to see our old friends the Campbells. Jillian and Al were absent in this picture, but Evan and Dom had fun playing with them over the 2 days of visiting!