Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Fall Soccer '09 Dom

Dom had a fun season too! The Grizzlies came together as a team this season. Although, because they are 6-7 years old, there were some moments of silliness too! Dom tends to be a bit of an entertainer we have discovered this year!

In motion! Dom became known as the guy who could get down the field quickly and round up the ball!

Fall Soccer '09 Evan

I'll start with this photo of the dirt on the back of Evan's shirt. He has always spent some time on the ground when he plays soccer. Why they had white socks this season is beyond me!
Regardless, Evan had a fun Fall soccer season with the team that he started on last spring. The Stingrays only lost two games the whole season! They played a couple of tough double-header days against some older teams. One team they played had kids on it that were two heads taller than our kids. From these photos you can see that Evan is a "get-after-it" defender. He takes his job of keeping the ball out of scoring territory quite seriously. So all in all not a lot of shining scoring moments, although he did score a couple of times this year when he got to play forward at the end of some of the games. Oh, and FYI, these photos are thanks to Kevin, one of the other parents, who takes tons of photos every game and shares them!

Coach Dave always gives good direction!

This is Jacob. He is the one with the shining scoring moments!
I love this one!